

In Vitro Fertilisation (I.V.F.)/Test Tube Baby

I.V.F. is an Assisted Reproductive Technology (A.R.T.), commonly referred to as Test Tube Baby.

I.V.F. is the process of fertilisation by extracting eggs, retrieving semen sample & then manually an egg with sperm in a laboratory dish under special microenvironment. The Embryo,thus formed is then transferred to the uterus.

A major question amongst infertile couples are often raised i.e.,

Why & When I.V.F. can be used ??

Answer is,I.V.F. can be used to treat infertility in the following patients:

* Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes

* Male factor infertility including decreased sperm count or sperm motility.

*Women with ovulation disorders,premature ovarian failure, uterine fibroids.

*Women who have had their fallopian tubes removed.

*Individuals with genetic disorder

*Unexplained infertility

Others include advancing maternal age, repeated trials of conservative treatments  & anti sperm antibodies.

The whole I.V.F. process is a purely scientific process.




 1 (i)- Ovarian Stimulation- Stimulating multiple follicles (eggs) from the female.

(ii)-Follicular Monitoring(F.M.) -The doctor does transvaginal ultrasounds & hormonal test to check the appropriate timing of egg maturity

2- Ovum Pick Up (OPU)- Once the follicles (eggs) get mature enough,they are retreived by a special procedure by the I.V.F. Specialist.

3-Semen Processing -Male semen is collected & processed to get best of sperms

4- In Vitro Fertilisation(I.V.F.)-Both eggs & sperms are kept in a culture dish to achieve fertilization to form embryo.

5-Embryo Transfer (E.T.)-Transferring embryo in female uterine cavity is the last process of I.V.F. treatment.

6-Pregnancy Test-With in 10-14 days, pregnancy test is scheduled to know the outcome of I.V.F.


Successful outcomes in I.V.F. depends upon –

*Age of the woman. (It is the most important factor)

*The quality of the eggs & the quantity.

*Semen/Sperm quality of male partner.

*The Uterine factors